Website Design Intake Form
This quote form will help us put together a solution that best reflects you or your small business. What you say here will determine how much work needs to be done and will save you time and money by identify your specific project requirements. Please fill in as detail as possible.
Do You Want to Build a New Website or Redesign an Existing One?
Do you need a company logo for this project?
Will your site need to be Responsiveness or cross-browser compatibility.
A responsive design can change its layout and appearance based on the screen size of the device it's accessed on, from a large desktop computer to a small mobile phone. An adaptive design requires the creation of a different layout for each device the website will be accessed on.
Approximately how many pages do you anticipate your website to have?
Content Management System (CMS) required:
What is your estimated budget? (required). Sharing a realistic assessment of what you plan to spend on this project will help us scope the engagement appropriately.*